"The value of AI is the opportunity to play with the AI itself" ...is the key perspective-shifting, mindblow sentence here.

ChatGPT isn't a tool, it's a toy!

The direction that OpenAI is taking with it's recent update seems to only confirm that. :)

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My first language is Spanish, and i find English terse and unimaginative. I sometimes put my writing into an LLM so see how it would "fix" it to make it more readable. It's a small form of entertainment in my day to day. Now that I think of it. I haven't tried giving it some Spanish text to see if it anglicizes it... will try that next and report back.

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"They were still there, just more hidden." - reminds of the Morlocks, doesn't it?

"They can act almost like cheating detectors." - who would have thought of AI as a Voight-Kampff test, not just for other AIs but mostly for humans, recent human history feels like a gigantic Voight-Kampff test which determines survival through inhuman traits.

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