"No sooner do you get used to one pace of production than the platforms seem to demand more. More posts, more microcontent to support those posts, and more networks on which to post and cross-post all of that content. A platform’s profits can’t grow exponentially without accelerating the hamster wheels on which its users run."

This basically describes how Substack is changing as we speak, with all those new social features that accelerate the pace and increase pressure to "produce content"

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This is why I was queasy about starting a Substack—I finally did, but with no subscriber buttons or donation appeals. I’m queasy both about adding to the overload and the din, and about shackling myself to the obligation to subscribers, having to look for something to say rather than only write when I can’t contain myself. Substack is the best thing going (especially its comments sections), but the ability to monetize and even make a living from it has brought in professionalism and the PRODUCTIVITY mindset with all its scaffolding of tips’n’tricks, affirmations and procrastination busters. All driven, ultimately, by the competitive demands of the attention economy and the high cost of living

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As a fledgling podcaster myself - just three episodes of wisetalkers.com in the first few months – this is music to my ears, Douglas, and very much in alignment with thoughts I've been having about the absurd content load that fills my inbox everyday. Is that something I really want to add to for others, especially if done just to check the boxes? Even if it is (it isn't) there's no way I could do it. Honestly, I marvel at the fact that this insane new digital media world even exists. And yet, somehow, it just keeps growing.

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Welcome to the art of slow-rolling, which is taking your sweet old time to reveal your winning hand in poker.

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"Less is more... human" - imagine a dating app, no gifs, no memes, no images, no links, no music, not even emojis allowed, just plain old text. No profile picture, no self description.

You register with your interests and get suggestions for contacting, limited to one per contact, others with similar interests within a chosen travel distance radius. Both choose a time for a date and when the times match's the app organizes a chat. Time of communication is limited to a few minutes and grows with each subsequent "date". If either one turns off the app or alt-tabs away from it during the chat, the chat is terminated and further communication is disallowed for a month or two.

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