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Young people voting for Dems is a good thing? The party of neoliberalism, forever wars, jail Julian Assange and exile Edward Snowden? As to turning against tech, I'm actually turning toward AI as our only hope. Maybe if we just hand over global governance to an impartial entity with none of the human emotions that cause so much suffering, and ask it to offer a plan to save us from extinction without killing off half of us (which seems to be the unspoken plan of the global elites), we could all agree on its recommendations and follow them, as one does the God-like impartiality of the judge in a court of law. I would ask AI for a plan that would restore the planet to sustainability for all species. If it didn't offer up the (obvious and only) solution (equitable rationing of consumption on a global scale), I would be amazed. What other solution is there?

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